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September 30, 2010

Logo for Website

Due to the fact that we are forced to create a website of our own, we need a logo for said website.

I am not quite sure what my website will be about, but most likely about my artworks/ animations/ etc.

So, my idea for the website/ coorporation/ whatever: Is StickStudios

My plan is to use two S's and put them side by side, mirrored, and in a diamond shape.

So far it looks like the Volcom logo.

Ok, I finished it.

Tell me what you think.

September 28, 2010


I am forced to make a blog for today.

I am also forced to answer a series of questions, starting with:

[How are you doing in this class so far?]


[What are the 3 things (projects) you are most proud of?]

-My dinasaur turned-elephant
-Bad traffic
-Wall-E being beamed by a dinosaur
they all seem to be from last year... I havn't really made anything I am proud of this year, but I like my photos and my nameplate.

[What didn't work out so well?]

I don't care for the "Me Photos" section very much.
There. I am currently working on my robot drawing still, but homework and videogames get in the way. Don't worry, though. Some day I will explode with production and creativity and maybe even the ability to get off my lazy ass and sit on my lazy ass even longer while staring at my screen as I draw at the same time. Sweet.

September 23, 2010

3 Favorite Pictures Of Which Aren't Mine But Are Someone Else's

Reflection.png (Online Image) Available 23/09/10

I like this one because it looks really really really cool. It is, apparently, "goregeous".

On a more serious note, I love the reflection of the clouds. Makes it look like its a harbor in the skies. The angle does a very nice job of showing the harbor along with the water and I like to see a huge empty space compared to the cluttered up boats on the opposite side.

DSCFO359.png (Online Image) Available 23/09/10

I like this one because close-ups of animals/insects are cool. I don't like hand close-ups, though, so it loses points.

On a more serious note, I love close-ups on living things. Especially small ones like these, when it shows details you normally wouldn't see. I think it would have been better without the fingers, though. If it were more near the center of the hand, then the shadows of the fingers wouldn't mess with the picture.

flipflop_1.png (Online Image) Available 23/09/10

I like this one because I had no idea it was a flip flop. I thought it was a beach ball; or some kind of rubbery protective device of SOME sort.... or a beach ball.

On a more serious note, I like this one because close ups on things are cool, like I said, and I especially like the ones that fool you in thinking it's something else. I also like the balance of colours, from light to dark. Very cool, yet very simple.

September 21, 2010

Favorite Logos

^I like this one because I couldn't find any others I like and this one looks real cool. I don't know what it is, though.

On a more serious note, other than the fact that I ran out of favorite logos, I also decided to use this because it looks really cool. It's probably a logo for a band, or energy drink, since the menacing sharp rigidy look of it gives the idea of something extreme. The basic colours work for it, too, for some reason. Probably a rock band, or screamo or something.

^ I LOVE the Dodge Logo. First of all; it is totally bad-ass. Second; my dad works for Dodge, and they have the coolest cars so might as well add this one.

On a more serious note, The dodge logo really shows it dominates the competition by ramming into its weak pathetic opponents with its massive shiny logo. Definitely the coolest of the car logos, too.

^The picture explains itself. That, and it still manages to look cool.

On a more serious note, I love how everyone bashes this logo due to their opinion on its unoriginality. In my opinion, it looks cool. Much more futuristic looking, which is my favorite look. Except for fasion, futuristic fashion looks weird. I love the texture of its smoothness, which in my opinion is the future. Lots of smooth, aerodynamic cars, buildings, cutlery, google logos, etc.

^ I chose this one because Gen told me to, and I said OK. That, and it is a very cool little robot.

On a more serious note, I love the simplicity of it, too. No idea what it is, since it doesn't say anywhere, but that doesn't matter. I love simple logos, since they look like they have no effort put into them, but send the message anyways. I like it how it looks like it has a mouth, too.

I chose this one because the monster logo looks like a monster's scratch; and yet still shows the image of an 'M', which is what "Monster" starts with.

On a more serious note... acttually, that IS why I like this one. I find it very cool and extreme, just like energy drinks should be, and the fact that they formed an M with a most-likely monster attack makes it look even more extreme.

^ I like SOME Apple stuff. Like my I-Pod Nano with the video camera. And the Logo. That's about it.

On a more serious note, I love the smooth, polished futuristic look to the apple logo. They are really trying their best to bring the future to us with their sleek, smooth style of their Nano, iPad, etc.. I don't care for the iPad, though, just the Nano.

These are 2>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>^>>>>>>>>>>>>>>^
I like transformers alot. I also like their logos, especially the newer more modern looking ones. I like these because they look modernized but yet still have their original colours.

On a slightly more professional note, I love the team logos, they really show their sides. The good guys are blocky, protective, and overall cool looking. The bad guys are sleek, sharp, and menacing. And purple.


Fonts: AGency FB-- I used it because it looks futuristic; which fits my style.
Colours: Red, Black-- My favorite colour schemes.
Filters: N/A-- Didn't want any.
Other effects: Fill category: Folds-- Looks really cool when you rotate the reflection.

District 9 - Official Trailer 2

Favorite Movies

Comedy- The Other Guys

I love Will Ferrel. And that other guy. Or The Other Guys, they are awesome. :D There are many funny moments in this movie. So much, in fact, I almost cried. Very funny movie, and it has a butt-load of action packed explosions and rediculous car chases and what-not. Watch it. Love it.

Action- District 9

District 9 is probably my favorite movie of all time. The coolest movie ever. At first, it is in an almost documentary style, but as the movie progresses, it changes into a bad-ass eye candy montage of explosions and CGI that looks exactly like real life. It is also a very realistic way of representing what would happen if aliens acttually landed. I hope the sequal lives up to it, though.

Horror- Day Breakers

Daybreakers is also a good representation of what would happen in real life. In this movie, vampires take over and live as 'normal' people. They just drink blood all the time. Like blood coffee. Anywho, one vampire finds and rescues some survivors as a blood-loss epidemic arrises, causing the vampires to turn on eachother and mutate into viscious beasts. The survivors and good vampire all try to stop the bad guys and what not while trying to find a cure. VERY COOL.

Mystery- Inception (havn't seen it yet but it looks cool)

Thriller- Taken

One of the most epic thrillers ever. One dude owns everyone as he trys to get his daughter back from bad guys. The movie is very short, though, probably due to all of the awesome that is going on.

September 17, 2010

My weekend planning

Satrting when I leave school later today, I am planning on working on a picture of mine on GIMP; a free photo-shop-esque program that allows you to draw, edit, manipulate, and so forth. It's not as fancy as photoshop, but it's easy to understand.

After my Father appears from work, we will probably have dinner and then we will both game it on StarCraft for the rest of the day, and/or play COD.

Here are some photos of what I have been talking about:

Call Of Duty:
My drawing I am currently working on:

September 15, 2010

My 10 Pics

Criteria: Silhouette
Description: Model set far back in the light, creating a unique silhouette experience in which you feel as if you are about to see a total bad-ass emerge. Except that will probably not happen.
Why it matters: Because it honestly looks pretty bad-ass. Would be cooler with a lightsaber, though.
Filename: Silwet.JPG
Photo Size: 2.00MB
Copyright (C) Donavin Littau

Criteria: Portrait
Description: Jacob on his dream vehicle.
Why it matters: Because it is a rad bike.
Filename: Jacob.JPG
Photo Size: 2.16MB
Copyright (C) Donavin Littau

Criteria: Texture
Description: It is actually a rock. Fooled you.
Why it matters: It's a cool rock. We later destroyed it by smashing it into the pavement.
Filename: texture.JPG
Photo Size: 1.62MB
Copyright (C) Donavin Littau

Criteria: Landscape
Description: It looks as if you are about to emerge from a forest or what ever to see that the exit beholds great beauty and mountains and sky and blahblahblah.
Why it matters: I like it because there are branches surrounding the landscape.
Filename: landscape.JPG
Photo Size: 2.64MB
Copyright (C) Donavin Littau

Criteria: One Colour
Description: The recycling and garbage bins lined up side-by-side. Could be considered an angle picture.
Why it matters: I like it because blue has no reason to be with greys and greens.
Filename: onecolour.JPG
Photo Size: 1.87MB
Copyright (C) Donavin Littau

Criteria: Man-Made-Thing-in-a-Place-it-Shouldn't-Be
Description: We found a golf ball on the grass near the garbage bins. It's all cracked and stuff so it looks real cool.
Why it matters: Because it's all cracked and bad-ass looking; like some dude chewed it up with his fist and hit it with a golf club 20 times at the same time.
Filename: junkinnature.JPG
Photo Size: 1.91MB
Copyright (C) Donavin Littau

Criteria: Close-up
Description: An ant minding his own business on a leaf.
Why it matters: It took forever to get this picture, since the ant wouldn't stop moving, and all the other pics were too blurry. We had one of berries, though. But ants are cooler.
Filename: antcloseup.JPG
Photo Size: 2.03MB
Copyright (C) Donavin Littau

Criteria: Nature-in-a-Place-it-Shouldn't-Be

Description: A weed that somehow managed to sneak into the sewers, highly protected and the sun is plentiful.
Why it matters: I find it awesome how a plant managed to get in there.
Filename: Natureinwrongplace.JPG
Photo Size: 2.15MB
Copyright (C) Donavin Littau

Criteria: Angle
Description: The same setting as silhouette; just without the silhouette.
Why it matters: I think it's cool when hallways squeeze into itself near the end.
Filename: angle.JPG
Photo Size: 1.49MB
Copyright (C) Donavin Littau

Criteria: Reflection
Description: This is acctually a tire's reflection.
Why it matters: This was originally going to be a close-up; but we realised we hadn't had reflection on yet so we used this one. Still don't know if this is what the teacher meant by reflection, though.
Filename: Dons fav pic.JPG
Photo Size: 1.75MB
Copyright (C) Donavin Littau

September 13, 2010

3 favorite internet pics

I like this one because it's funny
mohammed.bmp (online image) Available 9/13/2010

I like this one because it looks so freaking sweet

awesome-interactive-drawings.jpg (online image) Available 9/9/2010

I like this one because it was made by using such a simple tool; MS paint

mm9.PNG (online image) Available 9/13/2010

Pendulum - Witchcraft (Rob Swire's drum-step mix)

Pendulum - Witchcraft (Rob Swire's drum-step mix)(online image)available 9/13/2010

Weekend news

What did I do on the weekend?

I bought a nerf gun! It is SO cool! It comes with a freaking lazer for aiming! Me and my brother were having an epic nerf battle at the playground, and bullets were flying everywhere! The pain was trying to find the bullets afterwards.

For target practice, I stood up multiple pennies and loonies and shot them a couple metres back. I got dead-eye, man.

Anywho, other than that, I went to see the art galla-or-whatever; very very cool stuff there!

Uh.... I also got family pictures taken yesterday! Not any of that stand-still-and-shut-up stuff either; we actually went outside and took pictures on cool trees, rocks, on the beach, and stuff like that.

September 9, 2010

Back to school!

Hey, all!

I am finnally back; and this time, I'm gonna be here for quite a while!

Prepare to see even more amazing photo manipulations, animations, and all sorts of complete awesomeness!

How was my summer? Great! Happy to be back, though, since I was missing the people dearly.

Two months doesn't feel so long when it's all over, but when I look back, I have no idea when it started.

I just remember going to the beach A LOT and playing videogames A LOT. basicly 50/50 for each.

I DO remember going to the IPE, though, and it was a blast! Not as long as last years, though, since we got bored quicker.

I also helped volunteer at the Ironman in Penticton! Handing out sponges, gatorade, and all that stuff gets really intense when there are 30+ people asking for everything moving every-which direction.

So, anywho, I have a feeling this year is going to be a great one!