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March 5, 2010

The Highschool.

So far Highschool has been awesome! I think the second term has been better, definately, since I didn't have socials and english, but instead science and French! I honestly enjoyed english, just because writing storys is fun, but socials was as boring as watching paint peel off the walls and decompose. And the class smelt.

The electives are awesome here. My favorite was art, (Made a full fledged dragon!) and Info Tech will probably meet it in my top fav's. When we get animating. I want to so incredibly badly that... that... I would happily do it at home and not think of it as homework. I love to animate, and learning different ways to animate will be awesome.

Some other electives are foods, wood, metal, uh... boring stuff... and... Anyways it's not important, what IS important is how much awesome I hope to produce in the future.

By the way, here's some deranged animal I found on the streets. Two of them wearing the same clothes.

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